Tag Archives: Wellness

Drumming as Prayer

Drumming as Prayer

Drumming is a form of contemplative prayer that invites us to be present to the Heartbeat of God. As we listen to the drums, we experience the One pulse that gives rise to all the rhythms of life. This 45-minute experience weaves drumming with silence and chant. Wonderful for retreats, worship services or church gatherings.

In 2015, 2016, 2017 & 2018, Katy led the Seeing Deeper Drum Circle: Drumming the Heart Beat of God at the Washington National Cathedral in Washington, DC.  These drum circles have attracted up to 700 people.  The experience of drumming, praying, singing, dancing and listening for God’s pulse within in the nation’s house of prayer is incredibly special and powerful.  In 2017, National Public Radio live streamed the drum circle and it went viral!  400,000 people viewed the drum circle as it was happening!  To date, the video has been seen over 600,00 times!  Check it out here!


Liz Ward

Katy Gaughan has consistently received rave reviews for her dynamic facilitation of drum circles for the Shalem Spiritual Guidance Program.  Her session on Praise, Thanksgiving and Movement Meditation has been prayerful, engaging, well organized, and profound for the participants.  She has helped the participants experience the oneness flowing through diversity in concrete, tangible ways while also having great fun and learning more about the gifts of drumming.  She is a remarkably gifted facilitator of drum circles who easily connects to participants of all ages and backgrounds and has a wealth of knowledge and experience to offer others.  I cannot recommend her highly enough!

Liz Ward, Director Shalem Spiritual Guidance Program

Katie Archibald-Woodward

It was so great to meet you and I thoroughly enjoyed the drum circle and the marvelous way you illuminated the connections between our actions and spiritual experience. Such a rich and enlivening experience!

Katie Archibald-Woodward, Shalem Spiritual Guidance Program participant

Donna Anstee

I was able to participate in the singing, ringing, & drumming event at Westminster Pres in West Chester, PA Sat. I thoroughly enjoyed learning to play the drums, hearing the heartbeat of God, and offering thanksgiving via music. Thank you for sharing.

Donna Anstee

Kris Roth

Just wanted to say thank you for a wonderful experience at the Cathedral last night. I had some difficulty making out all of your words due to my hearing issues but I caught the drift of much of what you said about our heartbeats, healing, listening, silence, the sacred space we were together in, Imbolc and Brigid and it was so moving and beautiful. You are truly a leader, a healer and a healing presence, a wise woman and a bad-ass!

Kris Roth

Ruth Frey

A HUGE thank you for a fantastic experience at the Cathedral on Tuesday night.  As you know, we had 700 souls participate.  WOW!  Would you please extend our thanks to your crew for their great work?   I am so grateful for your leadership.  I love the way you invite people into prayer and connection in such a hospitable and open way.  And you really “get” the Seeing Deeper concept and the Cathedral as a place of prayer for all people.  It is fantastic!

Ruth Frey, Former Director of Programs, Washington National Cathedral

Drumming for Wellness Classes

Drumming for Wellness Classes

Tune in and tune up your mind, body and spirit with Drumming for Wellness classes. These classes incorporate drumming, breath work, movement and guided meditation. Learn about the principle of entrainment and how the rhythms in our life can harm or benefit us. Reduce your stress and enjoy self care as you bond with others… Learn More >>